Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How To Quit Pot - 4 Tips To Quit Weed Addiction Forever


While Marijuana is not a hard drug like heroin, cocaine or ice and has not been linked to cancer and heart disease like cigarette smoking the overuse of pot has ruined or inhibited many lives. Whatever your reason for wanting to know how to quit weed forever these tips for quitting pot may help you live the life you want to.
1. Understand your addiction
The first thing you must do is realize what your addiction actually is. You see, unlike cigarettes which contain nicotine which causes a chemical addiction in your body that gives you physical cravings for a smoke pot has no such chemicals. The addiction most pot smokers have is what is labeled a mental addiction. This means that there is no chemical or physical need to go an smoke some Marijuana, it is instead simply something you have come to believe you need because it is comfortable and the high you get feels good and you do not want to let it go; this is a psychological need;
2. Understand your psychological need
Once you can accept that your addiction stems from a psychological need you can move to understand that need. Is smoking an escape from a harsh reality? Is it simply a symptom of boredom? Is it because all your friends use pot too? The reasons we develop addictions are many and varied but understanding the core of it can allow you to set yourself free.
3. Find something to replace your addiction
This does not mean find another drug! It does however mean that while you try to quit pot you need to develop some coping mechanisms when you feel the need to use pot again. Finding something creative and fulfilling to fill that void can often lead to great things.
4. Develop your will to quit
As was said, Marijuana is not chemically addictive so quitting comes down to willpower. Now this does not mean that if you feel the need to use pot again you have weak willpower as psychological addiction can be very strong in people especially those who have used weed for many years. It does however mean that it will come down to what you do and the support the people around you offer, there are no pot "patches".
How to quit smoking pot is much easier said than done but it is very possible to quit weed forever if you understand your addiction and take steps to remedy this core problem along with some willpower and a drive to succeed you can do this!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cannabis Skunk Detox - Top 10 Diet & Nutritional Requirements When Withdrawing From Marijuana

For those managing a withdrawal from regular marijuana use there are several common side effects to be overcome. In my practice as a leading Cannabis Cessation Specialist I have identified that food intake can have a huge impact on withdrawal success rates and the consumption of the correct nutrients will provide a far faster system cleanse. The question for those wishing to quit cannabis use is: Which are the top 10 dietary 'must haves' when working toward delivering freedom from dependence?
Three times a day, everyday - Acquiring regularity to your eating will pay benefits. When the correct food is combined with the breakfast, lunch, evening meal structure it works very efficiently to prevent low spots in your energy levels, and keeps your brain in peak form.
Cleanse your liver - Your liver filters toxins - it has been working overtime whilst you have been absorbing drugs into your body. Milk Thistle taken as a supplement is a useful liver improver.
Improve digestion - Yes it is as true for those withdrawing from marijuana as it is the rest of the population - good digestion gives your body the very best chance to function efficiently. So begin the day with a fantastic cereal containing roughage (bran and oats are excellent), and switch from over processed white bread to a wholemeal option.
Love water - It is cheap, plentiful, calorie-free, sugar-free, thirst-quenching and refreshing for body and mind. The human brain is 85% water and even being slightly dehydrated will lead to loss of mental function and slowing of responses. Aim for 2 litres per day, every day.
Get some nuts - Packed with goodness and perfect as a 'distraction snack' when you are feeling tempted, or as an energy booster if you hit a low at any point of the day. The less interfered with the better so try to avoid the heavily salted varieties or those with roasted coatings.
Heavenly honey - During detox there is a temptation to turn to chocolate or other empty calories. This will undoubtedly lead to roller coaster sugar levels and make the quitting cannabis process more challenging. Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased to know, however, that honey is a great alternative to packing in processed sugars. Full of antioxidants and easily added to a variety of meals or drinks honey is natures' special treat. Go for the least processed option you can locate for maximum benefit.
An apple a day - You know the popular rhyme 'keeps the doctor away' - well perhaps there is some truth in it. Treat yourself to an apple around an hour or two before bedtime and you'll be rewarded with all the natural goodness and put pay to any late night snack cravings.
Avocado beauty - Healthy skin and lustrous hair may well have been denied to you during your time as a regular cannabis user - eat avocados as part of your cessation program and you'll be on your way to looking great. In addition the beta-sitosterol contained within an avocado prevents cholesterol absorption and they are a great source of fibre too.
Carrots, carrots, carrots - Eat cooked or raw this affordable vegetable is highly beneficial in delivering nutrients without fat and sugars. Carrots have been proven as cancer fighters too in many studies. Carrots help to boost your immune system during the withdrawal process so keep them on the menu (certainly daily for the first 2 weeks of quitting cannabis).
Dopamine anyone? - You want to feel good - then reach for the kettle and make yourself a green tea! The calming and soothing feeling that you experience after drinking green tea is due to the release of the brain chemical dopamine. So when you feel the agitation so often associated with quitting marijuana treat yourself to a marvelous drink that not only makes you feel great but is packed with goodness.

  • Are you experiencing issues with cannabis dependency?
  • Are you seeking a solution to cannabis addiction on behalf of a loved one?
  • Are you aware that cannabis is a controlling influence in your life?
  • Are you looking for a confidential, personal, permanent solution?

  • Change your life today - Quit Cannabis permanently with the Downham Technique
    Tom Downham welcomes contact from those who seek his specialist assistance in this area.


     Audio Program to Quit Weed