If you try to quit unprepared for the effects of withdrawal, your chances of giving in to the urge to smoke are very high. Withdrawal symptoms include cravings (for cigarettes and food), jittery nerves, irritability, headaches, nausea, and even insomnia. Keep in mind that slowly reducing the amount you smoke actually prolongs withdrawal symptoms, so you're on the on the right track with your plan to quit smoking cold turkey. When you know what you are in for when you quit smoking cold turkey and keep in mind it won't last forever, you have a better chance of being able to ride out the storm.
Plan distractions
It's 3 a.m., you can't sleep, and you have an overwhelming craving for a cigarette. Quick, what are you going to do? Unless you have prepared a list of things to do instead of smoking, you're probably going to give in and have a smoke. Three a.m. is a hard one, but even at that time of night you can take a shower, organize your CD collection, work on a craft project, clean the cupboards, or even go weed the garden. It just has to be something that keeps your mind and hands busy and off the cigarettes. When I quit, my sister gave me a list of 50 things to do instead of smoking. The list had lots of cleaning chores on it, so for a few months my apartment was sparkling.
Enlist support
Quit smoking support comes in two forms: social and medical. For social support, ask your friends and family to give you props for every day you go without a cigarette and every major craving you resist. Team up with a "quit buddy" you can call (ideally, even at three in the morning) when you need help. There are also a variety of pills and patches aimed at helping smokers break the habit and some of them are reported to work surprisingly well. If you're interested, talk to your doctor about your options.
Studies indicate that when you quit smoking cold turkey, your chance of remaining a "quitter" is even greater than if you pay for expensive quit-smoking drugs. Just make sure you have a plan for dealing with withdrawal symptoms and cravings, get some solid support in place, and don't give up.
About the Author
Quitting smoking cold turkey is a smart choice, but don't try to do it alone. A quit smoking helpline may provide just the support you need dump tobacco. Head over to the Why Quit Smoking blog for additional tips to help you break the smoking habit.
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